Exquisite French Cuisine. The ABC to turn French in 60 recipes

Harlé Eva - Schmidt Fiona


Résumé :

EXQUISITE French Cuisine HOW TO MASTER FRENCH COOKING, AND BECOME AA CHEF WITH 60 ESSENTIAL RECIPES Discover how to prepare a caramel, a bechamel sauce or an onion confit, and experiment recipes such as cheese soufflé and filet mignon in a crust, or regional specialties such as bouillabaisse or gratin dauphinois. And for the gourmets, dive into the preparation of a mirabelle plum tart or à creamy chocolate mousse.
What a way to combine quality with pleasure ! You will find everything you need to delight your guests in this book. Bring a little piece of France home with this book of traditional recipes for all lovers of French cuisine.

10,00 €
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